Tractor tires are an essential part of any agricultural operation, and it is important to understand the benefits of using calcium chloride in them. Calcium chloride solutions are used in tractor tires and other off-road tires to provide ballast, improve traction, and reduce tire and machinery wear. This solution can add approximately 30% to the weight of water and lower the freezing point of the solution well below that of tap water. Some tire manufacturers recommend not putting calcium chloride in agricultural radial tires due to the energy jump.
Firestone Agricultural Tire Co.'s field engineering manager, Len Wagner, states that their radial agricultural tires work better with air than with liquid ballast. Goodyear also prefers dry or cast weight in tubeless tires. Calcium chloride is a dense, widely available, competitively priced, but highly corrosive salt solution. It is important to add air tubes to the tractor wheels with & tires, otherwise the steel wheels will corrode quickly.
A 31 percent calcium chloride blend is resistant to freezing down to minus 58 F. Calcium chloride weighs 11.3 pounds per gallon, making it a good choice for getting the most weight out of your tractor. If a tire breaks and causes liquid ballast to leak, the salt is not toxic to animals, but it can damage any plant that grows on the affected soil. Adding a liquid or fluid to tractor tires has been used as a ballast for tractors ever since they began using tires. It is important that when filling
tractor tires
with water, only 75% of the space should be filled with water and the rest should be filled with air.This is because tyres are the lowest point on the tractor, and filling them with heavier liquid reduces the tractor's center of gravity. Adding liquid ballast to your tractor tires can significantly improve performance in many ways. Tractor dealers are often best placed to advise you on the exact amount of ballast your tractor needs, the right formula for the local climate, and the best way to protect the life of your tractor's wheels and tires. Nebelsick plans to move away from calcium chloride due, in part, to the mechanically assisted front-wheel drive tractor. However, 60% of farmers in the Nebelsick market still use liquid ballast, in their case, a premixed saline solution that is approximately half as corrosive as calcium chloride. When all agricultural tires were made with skewed layers, it was easy to choose the right ballast (in most cases, calcium chloride).
The water weighs just 8.3 pounds per gallon, which will limit the amount of weight you can add to the tractor compared to other liquid ballast options. When disassembling the ballast, whether wet or dry, be sure to maintain the proper weight distribution of the tractor on the front and rear axles. Liquid ballasting on tires pays dividends at a lower center of gravity, allowing for safe operation and greater traction, helping you convert greater tractor power into useful work. Domestic tractors (older units that are used year-round to tow food to livestock, pick up bales and clean batches of feed) need as much traction as possible. In conclusion, understanding how calcium chloride can benefit your tractor tires is essential for any agricultural operation. It is important to consult with a tractor dealer for advice on how much ballast your tractor needs and what formula is best for your local climate.
Additionally, it is important to maintain proper weight distribution when disassembling or assembling ballast.